Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Honey Bees And The Reason They Work So Hard - 550 Words

The Honey Bees And The Reason They Work So Hard (Essay Sample) Content: NameProfessorCourseDateHoneybeesThere are over 25,000 species of bees in the world. The Apiane family with members such as the honeybee is the most common species. Honeybees are the most common of the Apiane species. These bee species are most active at temperatures between 60-105 degrees Celsius and at winds below fifteen miles per hour. They are of high usefulness to sustaining life on earth. Despite their immense benefits, these bee species are constantly under threat due to extensive use of pesticides, fungal as well as bacterial infections. Immediate action should be taken to conserve these bee species for they are highly beneficial and without them life on earth would be impossible.Honeybees facilitate pollination in at least 80% of food crops on earth. Pollination is the process of transfer of pollen grains from the anthers to the stigma. Through the process, plants are able to form seeds and nuts.Their hairy bodys trap pollen and carry it between flowers. Als o, their body size allows them to pollinate flowers of many different types. Honeybees pollinate dietary stables such as cucumbers, strawberries and apples (Klain 303). They focus their attention on one species of plant at any given time ensuring quality pollination. Their ability to pollinate is inhibited by conditions that do not favor flight and at such times, they tend to work close to their colonies. Honeybee pollinated flowers have certain features which attracts the bees. They have bright colors and have nectar. A honeybee can visit 50-1000 flowers in one trip which takes between thirty minutes to one hour (De cortye 264).Secondly, honeybees are an important source of food. Honey is a food product created by bees as they regurgitate nectar and pass it back and forth to one another. The honey is then deposited and sealed in a honeycomb. Honey is stored for use by the bees during the winter period. Honeybees produce large quantities of honey because they can stockpile honey for an entire colony. As of 2013, honey crop in the U.S.A was valued at over 17 million (Klain 304). Honeybees also pollinate crops such as clover that cattle fed on hence are also key to the production and consumption of meat and dairy products. Thirdly, honeybees produce important medicinal foods such as propolis, bee pollen and honey. Honey has a long medical history dating back to the ancient Egyptians who used it as an embalming fluid and also for dressing wounds (De courtye 270). Today, honey is used as medicine for its proven antibacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties. It is used to treat coughs as well as wounds. However, its use amongst children is discouraged.Fourthly, honeybees help to beautify the environment. By pollinating flowers, the honeybees help in the process of reproduction thus contributing to the beautification of plants f...

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